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We specialize in providing anti-racism training that addresses racism and oppression at the root, in order to build a more equitable, just, and unified world.

Our training is designed to help you do this hard, heart work truthfully and gracefully. We empower you to grow from where you are and embrace the process. As individuals are nurtured to grow and activated to influence change, our organizations and communities are transformed. Also, our clients are served well, with care and dignity, layered with cultural awareness and humility.


Bowman Global’s Racial Justice and Unity training are now available online through our ready-to-use, on-demand video courses!


Training Topics Include:

  • Racial Literacy
  • Bias, Prejudice, and Race
  • Forms of Racism
  • History of Race and Racism in the US
  • The Student Perspective
  • Culturally Responsive Strategies
  • Racial Justice and Unity Full Course (all 6 modules)

Click here to see a brief preview of the training

Click here for Courses and Details

There are six professionally produced video modules within the Bowman Global: Racial Justice and Unity training series. Each module is independent and includes highly interactive teaching, as well as a participant workbook which contains reflection, individual, small group, and large group activities and resources. Training modules can be purchased separately or within the full six-module course.

Across each area of expertise, we offer real solutions that are intentionally –
Reflective, Relational, Equitable, Actionable, and Transformative.   


We provide our services locally, nationally, and globally virtually as well as in person.

In working with us, you will learn practical research-based and proven strategies as well as tools you can immediately put into action. All of our offerings are highly interactive and will help you to strengthen your personal and organizational operation, performance, and positioning. You will also gain clarity on how to leverage your growth and influence to positively impact others, locally and globally.  

Change is both hard and uncomfortable. We often fear the unknown. Change requires vision and strategic direction. You do not have to navigate it alone. With our expertise in change management, leadership development, education, community building, racial justice, and equity, Bowman Global is uniquely positioned to support you and your team on this critical journey.

Ready for real solutions. Local impact. Global reach. The time to start is now.

We look forward to partnering with you.